tiistai 25. kesäkuuta 2013

Lasten kevättodistukset 2013

Lasten todistukset saapuivat salasanan takana netissä luettaviksi ja ladattaviksi. Yli viisikymmentä numeroa seuraavista aineista:
Personal & Social
English Language Arts
History & Social Studies
Science & Technology/Engineering
Physical Education: Health & Wellness

Ja seuraavilla arvosteluasteikoilla:
Performance Level:
4 Consistently exceeds standards.
3 Demonstrates targeted degree of proficiency at mid-year or end-of-year. Is making satisfactory progress at this time.
2 Has made progress toward standard, but is not meeting expectations for this time of year.
1 Has made limited, inconsistent, or no progress toward standard.

Personal and Social Growth/Effort
3 Usually
2 Sometimes
1 Rarely

Suurin osa numeroista oli molemmilla jälleen 3. Numero neljä, "Consistently exceeds standards", irtosi E:lle kuusi kertaa (Matematiikka 4, Englanti 1 ja Musiikki 1) ja Iso-O:lle seitsemän (Englanti 6 ja Matematiikka 1).

Alla opettajien yhteenveto-osuudet:
Neljäsluokkalainen E: 
E has maintained a positive attitude toward learning and his peers throughout the year. He loves to learn and is always engaged in classroom discussions. He works well with classmates and contributes positively when working in a group. E’s strong work ethic is evident in all that he does. He is well respected by all his classmates and teachers. E’s personality has blossomed in the second half of the year. E loves independent reading times and has a great appreciation for literature. He enthusiastically participates during both read aloud and reading group times. He has worked hard to become a more reflective thinker by applying his critical thinking skills to find deeper meaning from the text. His solid understanding of nonfiction text helped him complete his research on the “March on Washington.” While writing his expository piece, E was able to clearly organize his facts and include important details. He is learning strategies for making his writing more clear and concise. E is a good math thinker and secure in his understanding of all concepts. He benefits from challenge groups and tackles math journal pages with ease. E has had a wonderful year in 4th grade. I fully appreciate his desire to learn. It has been a pleasure to teach him and I look forward to hearing about his continued success in 5th grade. Good luck, E. Enjoy your summer! 

Tokaluokkalainen Iso-O: 
Iso-O is a sweet and capable child who made great progress in all areas this semester. She is thoughtful and kind, and she shows great care for her classmates, friends and teachers. Iso-O’s work habits are excellent. She puts her best effort into everything she does. Iso-O is reading well above grade level. She chooses a variety of books from our classroom library. She enjoys reading children's classics from our Junior Great Books collections. Iso-O thinks deeply about the meaning of texts, and she enjoys talking with adults about the books she reads. Iso-O’s math skills are also very strong. Iso-O enjoys working on challenging math problems. She enjoys learning new concepts, and she perseveres until she gets things right. It has been a pleasure working with Iso-O this year.

Vielä yksi päivä koulua ja sitten on vuosi viimein pulkassa. E:lla alkaa alakoulun viimeinen luokka. Kaikki lapsemme tulevat olemaan vuoden samassa koulussa. Jihuu.

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