keskiviikko 20. kesäkuuta 2012

Lasten kevättodistukset ja lomanalku

E:n ja Iso-O:n koulu loppui 15.6. perjantaina ja jälleen yksi luokka-aste on takana. Pikku-O:n preschool olisi jatkunut vielä tämän viikon, mutta yksinkertaisuuden vuoksi hänkin aloitti lomansa. Lapset olivat käyneet T:n kanssa syömässä lähiravintolassamme sekä juoneet yhdessä kuohuvaa loman alkamisen kunniaksi. Viikonlopunviettoon kuuluivat käynti uimassa, pelikentällä ja kirjastossa ja maanantaina Pikku-O:n voittamien lipukkeiden vuoksi lastenmuseossa. E:n ja Pikku-O:n suosikki tällä kerralla oli erilaisia golfpalloratoja (valmiita ja itsetehtyjä) sisältävä huone, ja Iso-O kiipeili kolmen kerroksen korkuisessa kiipeilytelineessä yhteensä ainakin tunnin.

Lomanalun kunniaksi saapuivat myös todistukset. Oheisesta vanhasta postauksesta löytyvät arvosteluasteikot. Kummankin kaikki numerot olivat 3 (=on saavuttanut luokka-asteen tavoitteet), Iso-O:lla oli yksi nelonen (=ylittää tavoitteet) lukemisen kohdalla. Ja numeroitahan riittää monia kymmeniä. Alla entiseen tapaan kopioituna opettajien positiivisuutta tihkuvat sanalliset arviot.

Kolmasluokkalainen E ensin:

E is an exemplary student in everyway! His curiosity and joy of learning emanates as he participates in class activities. His exellent work is a reflection of his motivation, effort, and positive attitude. 

E has a true passion and talent for writing. He writes easily and with voice. His writing features varied sentence structures, interesting details and rich description. E's brochure about the elk was informative and reflected the knowledge he acquired through his research. His final report included magnificent cursive writing, and colorfully, detailed illustrations evidence of the effort he makes to produce the finest quality of work. E is able to edit his writing for run-on sentences, misspellings, missing punctuation and capital letters when reminded to proofread. E is an avid reader who thrives in applying his broad knowledge to think critically especially in science and math. He eagerly shares the insights and understandings he gains through his readings. E enjoys collaborating to solve challenging math problems. He consistently uses his solid skill set and strong conceptual reasoning to accurately solve multi-step word problems.

E is a motivated, articulate, and a caring student who is well liked and respected by his peers. It has been gratifying to see E make new friends in class this year. It has been a pleasure to be E's third grade teacher!

Sitten ekaluokkalainen Iso-O:

Iso-O has been a real delight to have in class this year. She arrives to school each day with a smile and eagerness to learn. Iso-O completes her work in a timely fashion and does her best work each and every day. Iso-O has many friends and enjoys drawing and dramatic play.

Iso-O is a great reader who is reading well beyond the grade one benchmark. Iso-O reads with great comprehension and fluency. Iso-O reads and enjoys books in a variety of genres. Iso-O is very able to select books that are "Just Right" for her level.

Iso-O enjoys writing during the Writers Workshop block. She writes stories that have a very clear beginning, middle and end. Iso-O is able to select a topic and develop it into a wonderful story. Iso-O writes in complete and detailed sentences.

Iso-O has an amazing hand-writing - neater than most adults I know!

Kolmasluokkalaisesta tuli nyt jo neljäsluokkalainen ja ekaluokkalainen pääsi toiselle. Meneepä aika vauhdilla eteenpäin.

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