perjantai 3. helmikuuta 2012

E:n ja Iso-O:n syystodistukset

Niinkuin tavaksi on muodostunut, on yksi blogikirjoitus lukukaudessa keskittynyt lasten todistuksiin. Nyt vuorossa ovat E:n ja Iso-O:n syystodistukset, jotka saapuivat viikon päätteeksi. Pikku-O:ta arvioitiin ja arvioidaan ilmeisimmin lähinnä vain opettaja-vanhempitapaamisten aikoihin, mikä sopii mainiosti. Olihan se vähän hassua vuosi sitten saada 70-kohtainen numeroarvio kolmevuotiaan akateemisista taidoista.

Lyhyenä kertauksena alkuun arviointiasteikot:

Performance Level:
4 Consistently exceeds standards.
3 Demonstrates targeted degree of proficiency at mid-year or end-of-year. Is making satisfactory progress at this time.
2 Has made progress toward standard, but is not meeting expectations for this time of year.
1 Has made limited, inconsistent, or no progress toward standard.

ELL (=English Language Learning) asteikko:
5 Native Speaker-level
4 Transitioning
3 Intermediate
2 Early Intermediate
1 Beginner-level

Ja sitten itse asiaan. Englannin kielen kaikki neljä osa-aluetta (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) olivat molemmilla numeroa 5. Ja siitä syystä johtuen molempien erityistuki ELL-ohjelman puolesta päättyy. Tämä todettiin sanoin:

E's English is approximating that of a native speaker. For this reason, we plan to exit him from the ELL program. He will be monitored by our staff for a few years to come. He is an inquisitive student who loves to learn. E's reading and writing is at grade level and he occasionally needs some support with grammar. He has been a pleasure to teach.

Iso-O's English is approximating that of a native speaker. For this reason, we are considering exiting her from the program. She will be monitored by our staff for a few years to come. Iso-O's reading and writing skills in English are continuously improving. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching Iso-O over these past two years.

Seuraavaksi siirrymme todistuksen muihin osioihin:
Personal & Social
English Language Arts
History & Social Sciences
Physical Education, Health & Wellness
Niitä oli arvioitu yhteensä n. 50 alakohdan voimin. Molempien kaikki olivat numeroa 3. Opettajien sanalliset arviot ovat kopioituina alla.

Ensin kolmasluokkalainen E:
E is a friendly and enthusiastic student who works well with all of his peers. He comes to school each day motivated to work hard and always gives 100% effort. A curious student, E listens intently and asks questions. He is self-confident and takes pride in his ability to memorize easily, and quickly learn new material. E is eager to share his vast knowledge and ideas during class discussions. He uses his strong critical thinking skills to make excellent connections and raise the levels of our classroom discussions.

E is an avid reader who enjoys thinking deeply about ideas presented in books or discussions. He enjoys reading a variety of texts for long periods of time. He reads and comprehends text that is slightly above the third grade benchmark, which is quite an achievement given he began learning English in first grade. E has strengthened his ability to use evidence from the text to support his reasoning, and he effectively uses comprehension strategies like asking questions, making predictions and drawing conclusions to enhanse his understanding of the text. E is able to express himself clearly in writing. He writes well-sequenced paragraphs with a beginning, middle, and end. He is learning to incorporate strategies like "show rather than tell", by adding sensory images and similes. When writing a paragraph, E has been practicing using a strong lead sentence and including a concluding sentence. He benefits from sharing his work with a peer or teacher and reading it aloud to himself to identify grammatical errors.

E is a very capable math student. He possesses strong computation as well as math reasoning skills and has a firm understanding of the concepts covered this semester. He is well on his way to memorizing the multiplication tables 0-10 with factors up to 10, which is an end-of-year benchmark. E enjoys working independently and with peers to solve complex, multi-step problems that require strong number sense and math reasoning skills. He is able to apply a variety of strategies to solve prblems, and he is learning how to organize, explain his thinking and show his strategies on paper.

E is an exuberant, thoughtful classmate who is a positive influence on our classroom community!

Sitten ekaluokkalainen Iso-O:
Iso-O is an absolute delight to have in class. She arrives each day happy and eager to begin her day of learning. Iso-O is organized in her approach to her assignments, always getting things done in a timely manner. Iso-O always puts her best effort into everything she does.

Iso-O is kind, caring and inclusive friend and because of this has many friends. Iso-O enjoys the company of both girls and boys.

Iso-O is a very strong reader and is reading well beyond the grade level benchmark for January. Iso-O reads with great accuracy, is able to retell the important elements of a story and reads with fluency. Iso-O is able to read 60/60 high frequency words and is applying phonics skills taught in class.

Iso-O enjoys choosing and reading books that are at her "Just Right" reading level. While reading Iso-O uses her knowledge of letters and sounds to decode unknown words. In a guided reading group Iso-O enjoys making text-self connections as well as text-text connections. A true delight to read with.

Iso-O has learned and is able to apply the math skills taught thus far this school year. Iso-O is able to: solve number sentences with both pictures and numbers, tell time to the hour, recognize and count coins and interpret data collections. Iso-O works very independently in her math journal. I look forward to challenging Iso-O in math during the second half fo the school year.

Sellaista hehkutusta jälleen. Mukavalta se tuntuu positiivista palautetta saada. Ehtiihän sitä negatiivista myöhemminkin kuunnella.

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