sunnuntai 22. kesäkuuta 2014

Lasten kevättodistukset 2014

Koulu loppui 20.6. perjantaina, ja T vei lapset sen kunniaksi syömään O'Hara's-pubiin perinteeksi jo muodostuneella tavalla. Todistukset saapuivat päivää aiemmin, ja alla niistä kooste. Viime aikojen muista tapahtumista seuraa toinen blogikirjoitus myöhemmin. Todistuksissa oli yli kahdeksankymmentä (80) numeroa ykkösestä neloseen: 

4 Consistently exceeds standard.
3 Meeting expectations for standard at this time of year.
2 Making progress toward standard, but not meeting expectations for this time of year.
1 Making limited or inconsistent progress toward standard.

Ala-koulun päättävä, viidenneltä päässyt E
E:lla oli 16 nelosta erityisesti matematiikassa ja englannissa, mutta muutama myös historiassa ja luonnontieteissä. Kaikki muut numerot olivat 3, joten huolta yläkouluun siirtymisen suhteen ei ole. Opettajana oli ihastuttava 25-vuotias nainen, jonka kanssa E:lla synkkasi erityisen hyvin. E:n pöydällä on nyt kuva opettajasta ja hänestä halaamassa - kuvassa on opettajan laittama sydäntarra; vähän noloa E:sta, muttei niin noloa, etteikö kuvan olisi voinut laittaa pöydälle.

E continues to be an absolute delight to have in class! E’s compassionate and easy-going personality contributes greatly to our class community. He is a fair and flexible group member. E continues to actively participate, and he has recently demonstrated much more confidence when asking questions or sharing ideas with the whole class. When working independently, E maintains focus and works diligently. He still is a consistent role model for both his behavior and his work ethic. E truly has shown much maturity as this year has come to a close. E is an extremely respectful friend and a curious, hard-working student. Without a doubt, he will develop even more respectful friendships with his peers and positive relationships with his teachers in middle school. It has been a pleasure teaching E, and I will truly miss his positive attitude and quick wit!

E has continued to make solid academic growth in all subjects. As a reader, E continues to read and comprehend texts above grade-level benchmarks. He recognized important themes within the book Crash and he was able to highlight character changes throughout the story. In his book club about the novel Hatchet, E summarized key events and developed thoughtful questions. He consistently reflected on social, psychological, and physical problems within the book. As a writer, E develops clear statements and he backs up his claims with strong evidence and explanations. He’s a Reading Response expert! E is also a persuasive writer capable of developing convincing arguments, as seen in his essay on why Mason-Rice should have “nap time.” In addition, E’s creative writing is showcased in his outstanding medieval era fiction story, The Harp, which I truly hope he continues to work on over the summer! In Math, E benefits from advanced challenge and he is always eager to tackle difficult problems. He carefully selects appropriate strategies for problem-solving, and he enjoys sharing his mathematical thinking verbally. E needs reminders to double-check his work in multi-step problems, as his errors typically represent a “silly” mistake and not a lack of understanding a concept. Overall, E has a very strong command of our math curriculum, and he has shown steady academic performance across all subjects. I am confident he will find much success in middle school. E is a fantastic student who applies an outstanding work ethic to his learning every day. Thank you for a wonderful year!

Kolmannelta neljännelle siirretty Iso-O
Iso-O:lla oli opettajana E:n kolmannen luokan opettaja, eläkeiän kynnyksellä oleva nainen, johon Iso-O ei ihastunut aivan samalla volyymilla kuin aiempiin opettajiinsa. Liekö tällä merkitystä siihen, että todistukseen oli humpsahtanut kaksi kakkosta kohtiin "Includes others in class room and school activities" ja "Uses rich language in variety of genres"? Kolme nelosta olivat kaikki englanninkielestä, ja loput kahdeksankymmentä olivat kolmosia. Hyvin siis menee edelleen hänelläkin.

Iso-O is an exemplary student who always comes to school motivated to learn and do her very best work! She consistently produces excellent work, which is a reflection of her fine attitude and effort. Iso-O has a strong work ethic and is an outstanding role model for her peers. She is enthusiastic about learning new content particularly in social studies and science, and she clearly articulates the connections she makes in her learning. At times, Iso-O has struggled to balance her friendships and remain inclusive of all the girls in the class. Sometimes, she benefitted from reminders to focus on completing her work rather than socializing.

Iso-O reads and writes with ease. When reading nonfiction texts, she is able to synthesize information from different sources and make excellent connections in her learning. This year she has continued to develop her writing by including rich details, descriptive images and more sophisticated sentence structures. Iso-O’s report on the black bear was informative and evidence of the tremendous effort she made to research the animal, organize her notes and compose clever introductory sentences for each topic. Her illustrations and cover design enhance the quality of her report. Similarly, Iso-O’s Pilgrim Journal entries were well developed and brimming with true facts taken from her readings in class. She successfully wove facts from nonfiction texts in a first person narrative to create an engaging account of her Pilgrim persona, Priscilla Mullins. She carefully followed the rubric for each entry in order to get the highest score (5) for her colony, which she regularly achieved. Iso-O has strong leadership skills that she demonstrated when working with her “colony” during the Pilgrim unit. Although, occasionally, she needed reminders to listen to her tone of voice when trying to motivate her peers, she used the feedback to coordinate the efforts of her group to accomplish the various tasks. Iso-O’s has strong math skills across all strands. She is able to use mental math to solve many problems. She enjoys working with her peers to solve challenging math problems. Iso-O tends to work quickly and, generally, is very accurate. She would be better served if she slowed down, focused less on the next challenge and learned to review the questions and her answers. Iso-O can make careless mistakes in her computation and, sometimes, mistakes that she could prevent if she’d routinely check her work before handingit in. She has used feedback to improve her answers to open-ended questions by showing her work, labeling numbers with units they represent and by explaining the process she went through to solve the problem. Iso-O is encouraged to build on her strengths in math and compete next year in the Math Olympiads for fourth and fifth graders.

Iso-O is a good-natured, helpful and thoughtful classmate. I will miss her bright smile at the start of each day! It has been a pleasure to teach her this year.

Eskariluokan päättänyt, ekaluokkalaiseksi muuttunut Pikku-O
Vilperttipoikamme Pikku-O pääsi kirkkaasti ensimmäiselle luokalle. Kaikki numerot yhtä lukuunottamatta olivat kolmosia. Se yksi kakkonen oli sama kuin syyslukukauden jälkeen ("Listens attentively to directions, uses class time productively; and makes sound social choices as a cooperative member of the learning community"). Kun kysyin Pikku-O:lta syytä tähän, hän totesi, ettei hän aina oikein ymmärrä, mitä kuvaamataidonopettaja oikein kertoo. Luokanopettajan arvio oli ihanaa luettavaa.

Pikku-O has had a wonderful year in kindergarten. His creative ideas and fun personality have added so much to our classroom climate. He has continued to take his role as a learner seriously, and consistently puts forth his best effort when completing any academic task. Pikku-O greatly enjoys the social aspects of kindergarten and he has maintained many friendships in our class. He will ask for help from a teacher if needed to solve a social conflict, and he is always fair and honest with his peers.

Pikku-O’s academic skills have progressed beautifully in kindergarten. When reading, Pikku-O is able to use multiple strategies. He is decoding simple unfamiliar words, recognizing a large array of sight words, and can discuss the details of a story he has read. Pikku-O works hard to brainstorm ideas when writing stories, and once he has an idea he is able to write with purpose. His math skills have developed nicely over the course of the year as well. Computation skills and a solid understanding of concepts have continued to be strengths. Pikku-O is able to manipulate numbers and explain his thinking around his understanding of math concepts. 

It has truly been a pleasure getting to know Pikku-O this year and watch his amazing growth. I wish him continued success in first grade and the years to come.

Lastemme viimeinen vuosi samassa koulussa on ohi. Tai eihän sitä tiedä, jos joskus ovat koulussa, jossa on luokkia alakoulusta aina lukioon saakka.

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