Personal and
Social, English Language Arts, History and Social Studies, Mathematics, Science
and Technical Engineering, Visual Arts, Music, and Physical Education, Health
and Wellness.
Consistently exceeds standard.
Meeting expectations for standard at this time of year.
Making progress toward standard, but not meeting expectations for this time of
Making limited or inconsistent progress toward standard.
N/A Not
Personal and
Social Growth/Effort:
viimeiselle, viidennelle siirretty Iso-O:
Iso-O:n numerot olivat 3, mutta sekä matematiikassa (Problem Solving and
Mathematical Practices) että englannissa (Writing) yksi
numeroista oli 4. Opettajan sanallinen arvio on alla kopioituna.
Iso-O has
continued to be a delightful presence in our classroom. She has maintained a
positive attitude towards her learning and she consistently completes tasks
thoughtfully, follows directions well, and takes great responsibility for her
learning. She is a highly motivated learner who sets high expectations for
herself. Iso-O remains an excellent mathematical thinker. She consistently
pushes herself to use a variety of strategies in solving challenging problems.
In addition to excelling in math, her reading comprehension has continued to be
solid. She has become a more reflective thinker by using her critical thinking
skills to find deeper meaning from a text. Iso-O has truly developed as a
writer. Her latest piece on, “The Birmingham Campaign” was well researched and
eloquently written. Iso-O has done a terrific job this year and has been an
absolute pleasure to teach. I have no doubt 5th grade will be another great
toiselle luokalle siirretty Pikku-O:
numerot olivat isosiskon tavoin 3, mutta yksi numero jäi kakkoseksi (Visual Art: Effort
and Engagement). Opettaja arvioi häntä seuraavasti:
Pikku-O is
respectful and kind to his classmates and is well liked in return. At times,
Pikku-O will act silly when he should be working independently. He requires
adult support to help him work for a sustained period of time. During a guided
reading lesson Pikku-O reads with fluency and has been working on writing
thoughtful responses to specific questions about the text. He enjoys discussing
stories with the reading group and applying comprehension strategies. Pikku-O
is able to add and subtract single digit numbers with increased speed and is
using place value to help him add and subtract two digit numbers. The quality
of Pikku-O’s written work has improved throughout the year. He has worked hard
to stretch out his ideas when writing about a small moment, a review, or a
non-fiction book. I wish Pikku-O the best in second grade.
siirretty E:
E ei saanut
sanallista arviota, mutta kaikki aineet olivat A tai A+. Science jäi A:ksi
käyttäytymisen vuoksi; hän oli niin turhautunut sen yksinkertaisuuteen, ettei
malttanut olla huutelematta epäasianmukaisuuksia. Murrosikä lähestyy.. Aineet
olivat muuten samoja kuin alakoulussa, mutta lisäksi häntä arvioitiin
ranskankielessä, puhallinorkesterissa ja draamassa. Arvosanoja oli alakoulusta
poiketen vain 1/aine, mikä on lähempänä Suomen käytäntöä (*luulen*).
Nyt on
Lunchboxit laitettu hyllylle odottamaan. Lapsilla on loma.
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