torstai 14. helmikuuta 2013

Lasten syystodistukset 2012

Lasten syystodistukset saapuivat netissä luettavaksi jo kolmatta kertaa. Aiemmin ne saapuivat paperiversioina postissa. Newton on siirtymässä kovaa vauhtia nykyaikaan. Todistuksissa oli entiseen tapaan kymmeniä numeroita (ainakin yli 50). Arvosteluasteikko on 1-4 tai 1-3 riippuen aineesta.

Performance Level:
4 Consistently exceeds standards.
3 Demonstrates targeted degree of proficiency at mid-year or end-of-year. Is making satisfactory progress at this time.
2 Has made progress toward standard, but is not meeting expectations for this time of year.
1 Has made limited, inconsistent, or no progress toward standard.


Personal and Social Growth/Effort
3 Usually
2 Sometimes
1 Rarely

Molempien, E:n ja Iso-O:n kaikki numerot olivat 3. Iso-O:lla oli yksi 4 matematiikassa. Alla kopioituina sanalliset osiot. Jälleen amerikkalaista kermakakkupositiivisuutta. Saatat tarkkaan lukiessa kuitenkin löytää kohtia, joissa opettajat näkevät parantamisen varaa olevan. (E:"..continues to work on carefully proofreading.." tai Iso-O:" ..benefits from additional vocabulary..). Hyvinhän heillä toki menee meidänkin mielestämme.

Neljäsluokkalainen E:

E is a supportive and respectful member of our classroom community. He enjoys working and spending time with his friends. E is a very capable student with solid skills. He regularly participates in classroom discussions offering his thoughts and opinions. He works well both independently and in cooperative groups. E is a conscientious student who completes his class assignments in a timely manner and always has his homework done. E is a delight to teach.

E is a fluent reader who has solid comprehension skills and excellent understanding of fiction and non-fiction text. He loves to read and chooses books that are appropriate. E is currently working on thinking more in depth about what he is reading by making connections and using evidence from the text to support his verbal and written responses. In writing, E's pieces are very creative and his voice definitely does resonate. He uses rich language and develops his ideas very clearly. E continues to work on carefully proofreading his work for capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

During math, E works diligently in his math journal. He has a good understanding of the concepts addressed in math curriculum. E displays confidence with his skills, and is careful to make sure he is accurate. He happily accepts a mathematical challenge and is persistent in pursuing a successful outcome.

Tokaluokkalainen Iso-O:

Iso-O is a thoughtful, kind and hardworking student who seems to love learning and coming to school. Iso-O's work habits and behavior are excellent. She is well-liked and has many good friends in the class. She is always willing to help out any child who needs it.

Iso-O is reading books slightly above grade level with excellent fluency and comprehension. She benefits from additional vocabulary instruction prior to and during reading. Iso-O thinks deeply about the texts she reads, and she is a voracious reader. Iso-O's writing skills are excellent. She writes well-organized and entertaining pieces, and her unique voice shines through. Iso-O's math skills are also very strong. She enjoys taking on extra challenges in math. It is a pleasure to work with Iso-O.

Syyslukukausi on nyt takana ja kevätlukukausi kovassa vauhdissa. Kevätlukukauden katkaisee kuuden viikon välein olevat lomat - ensi viikolla on hiihtoloma ja huhtikuussa kevätloma - ja sitten ei mene kauan, kun on jälleen kesä. Sitä on tällä hetkellä hieman vaikea uskoa, kun lumivallit Nemo-myrskyn jäljiltä edelleen estävät näkyvyyden naapurinpuolelle.

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